Friday 12 February 2016

Jupiter Letters To The Government About How Safe The Internet Is!

Friday 12th February 2016 

In year 6 we have been writing letters to the government telling them how we could make the internet safer and child friendly. We did five paragraphs and the main three paragraphs were about what the online services, government and schools can do to project children online and stop bullying!
We also said that every month more and more children are being bullied online!

How can you stay safe online?

Here are some of our top tips:

  • Don't follow anybody you don't know!
  • Don't say yes to strange requests!
  • Keep your posts on a private setting!
  • Don't create an account if you are under the age limit- there is a reason for age limit!
  • Make your password hard for people to crack- otherwise you could be hacked easily!
By Emilia Smith, Year 6 Jupiter 

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Safer Internet Day - What is needed to help make the internet a betterplace?

In class Saturn, we have used Google Docs to write letters to David Cameron.

We reflected on whether online services, schools and the government are doing enough to support us (young people) online.

By writing letters to our Prime Minister, we are attempting to improve our safety. Below are some of our initial thoughts.

By using Google Docs, we could share our work with Mr Lynch (who could help us when writing by sitting at his computer). After this, we shared our work collaboratively with another person in our class. This helped us to peer assess each other's work, adding and helping to improve.

Comment examples of your letters (you never know, Mr Cameron might see them).