Monday 27 June 2016

On the 14th June, we invited some of our parents into class to learn about E safety. During our session, we responded to different scenarios of bad things that could happen to us whilst we are online. We looked at what we could do, what we should do and why we should do it.

 For example, If someone you didn't  know had sent you a message, what would you do?

a: ignore it and hope that the person would stop texting you.
b: call the police immediately
c: see if anyone from your class/someone you know had texted you the other day and if they didn't block the user.

Hopefully, you chose c.

Afterwards, we did a quiz online asking us questions about what we would do if we were getting cyber bullied, inappropriate messages or if we were getting texts from strangers. Fortunately, the whole class got over 8/10!

Remember that if you are in any of these situations, you should always tell a trusted adult because they will make things better.

By Katie Neicho
Class Jupiter

Monday 20 June 2016

Internet Safety Workshop

During our Internet safety session in year 6, we looked at scenarios (with parents), having to think of what we should do,what we could do and what we will do. We worked in groups of fours and some children had their parents come in. Each group chose a person to read out a scenario to the class and the class had to answer the scenario with their own answers. We used the scenarios so that if we ever got stuck in this situation online, we would know what to do. We would use this: if we ever had to help a friend; if we didn't want to do something we had to do; or, if we got a text from somebody you didn't know. Most of the problems were about social media, however one included making sure we protected our computers from viruses and other dangers like that. 

Most importantly, we learned that if you were in any of these situations, you should support friends to help protect themselves and make good decisions, and especially tell your parents/a teacher/or other responsible adult you know, 
By Flora Bean
Class Saturn

Thursday 16 June 2016

Swimming Gala 2016

     Setting off at 9 o'clock, we walked through the damp streets of Bexleyheath as a year group. Around quarter past, we arrived at Crook Log Leisure Centure. Splitting up into two lines, the competitors and reserves set off to get changed. Walking past reception, we all took our shoes off before entering the changing rooms. As soon as we were ready, we lined-up to go and sit down. Parents were coming in as they started to tell us about the rules of the gala.

The first race was the three-person relay for boys. As the whistle blew, Josh Crabb sped off but unluckily we came in third place. The front-crawl race was the first time we got first place in the swimming gala: this continued for the next few races.  

Phenomenal cheering was coming from the stands by Upland Primary School as they cheered on their peers. At half-time, we were in the lead by just 1 point. Another race was the mixed relay with boys and girls, in which you swim breastroke, front-crawl and backstroke; we came first. 

Max Driscoll was in the mixed medley race: he was in first place but, as he didn't know he had to do 2 other lengths, we came in third place.

 Given great motivation by Mr Lynch, the 8 children: Josh, Charlie; Maddie, Demi, Talia; Flora, Max and Jason tried their best to win the final race but - however hard they tried - they came in 2nd place.

Overall the class of 2015-16 came in second place by only one point! They may have been disappointed but they still congratulated the winning team which was Crook Log Primary School. Mr Lynch was extremely proud of us as we had tried our very best and been on our best behaviour all morning - a credit to the school. Of course, though, we carried on with our heads held high on the walk back to school.

By Demi Kolarin
Class Saturn


Thursday 9 June 2016

James Dawes' and Arun Brice's news report

As part of our Modern Greece topic, Jupiter class have been learning all about earthquakes and how they happen. As Greece is a country with fault lines beneath it, earthquakes frequently occur there.
We have learnt many facts about earthquakes, such as:
  •         How an earthquake occurs
  •          How much damage they can do
  •          How they are measured
  •         What causes them

 We used the internet to research a real earthquake that happened in Greece. Also, a wide range of useful internet services helped us to find out lots of important information, including google, Wikipedia, BBC and many other sites.  As well as this, we combined our research with our knowledge learnt in class to explain how the earthquake occurred.

After we did our research, we wrote news reports, including eyewitness accounts, about the breaking news of our chosen earthquake. The audience had to be carefully thought about plus the atmosphere, language and structure of our news report when we were creating them on the computer. Once we had been given some feedback from Miss Heath, the news report was then edited by us and improved before it could be ‘published’. We did our newspaper report on the Great Kelonian earthquake which happened in the Nidvi Ionian islands in 1953.

Here is our news report:

By James Dawes and Arun Brice