Sunday 27 September 2015

Communicating Kindly and Responsibly

Previously, in understanding elements of e-safety, we have begun to ensure that we protect personal information, not sharing too much of ourselves, in order to participate in responsible use of social media.

This week, we are ensuring that we show respect online by communicating kindly and responsibly. This will help us to have a better understanding of the consequences of not doing this.

Below is a useful tool to help you check that you are being responsible and kind:

Use the email below and the checklist above to edit what Max is trying to communicate.

Sunday 20 September 2015

Privacy Rules

In continuing to study e-safety, we are looking at the best ways to keep our privacy safe, as it is important to understand that websites can use your data to make money and target their advertising. By keeping certain information private, we protect ourselves in a variety of ways. This is particularly important when we are acting responsibly on social media.

Visit a well-known website, and, using the privacy checklist below, make a judgement about how safe your information is.
Using the comment section below, answer the question, using the information you have found from the checklist.

2) Below is an online profile, in the comment section below, explain which parts of the information are fine to share online and which parts should be kept private.

Thursday 10 September 2015

Talking Safely Online - E-Safety Lesson

Last week, we participated in the safe use of social media, by commenting and replying to comments on this blog. To log-in, we had to use an appropriate password. We spoke about how to keep this safe. Blogging allowed us to select an appropriate tool to communicate and collaborate online, in order to constructively comment and create a dialogue between users.

This week, I want you to look at the following conversation and accompanying questions.

Using the communication and collaboration skills, we learnt about last week, you can post a comment and respond to others, explaining the consequences of sharing too much about yourself online (to ensure we participate in social media responsibly). Think as if Sita is you friend: how would you make sure she protects herself and makes good choices online, including reporting any concerns to an adult.

Question 1

Question 2a

 Question 2b

Sunday 6 September 2015

Welcome to Year 6

What are you most looking forward to this year?

Comment below.