Wednesday 29 January 2014

Converting measurements

In our maths work we did the 7 column method. I did challenge 3 and completed it,I found this easier with the 7 coulom method.                By Alfie


Today in maths we have been learning to convert between km,m,cm,mm using a seven colloumn table

We had to choose between challenges 1,2and 3 and I chose number 2. 

Here is a picture of my work

By Jacob 

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Thread to successes!

During the time we had to sow, I produced a top with a pink bow in the bottom left and a heart on the top right. The top was originally a beige top with no decoration. It had no hemming involved just plain. It took a lot of thinking through, in total it took 3 times that I had to restart, but finally I got the perfect model in the end.

Penguins in Reception!

Lately, in reception, they have been learning about penguins and created booklets. They have achieved a lot in so little time for their age. Their hand writing is absolutely exceptional and their knowledge is somewhat sensational. They researched at home and some even went to extremes by visiting local zoos and creating posters. Also, they created penguins out of cardboard tubes and coloured paper. 
Run, there are penguins in reception!

My new bag

In year 6 Saturn and Jupiter we have been doing some sewing and we are really enjoying it. Our teachers have asked us to bring in some of our old clothes that don't fit us anymore or Maybe some of your parents clothes but don't bring them without your parents permission. So I went through my wardrobe and I found some old shorts that don't fit me any more and I thought I could make a bag out of them. So I brought them to school the next day and started making a bag. First of all I had to sew the bottom of the leg bits and then I could add some things to it. Then I got some pink felt and cut out an L shape and sewed it on. I also brought in an old jumpsuit and made a handle out of it and sewed It on so I told my teacher and she put it on the wall.

Sewing for Make Do and Mend

For the past few weeks we have been sewing because we want to know what it felt like to be in war times when they had to make do and mend.originally i had my baby brothers t shirt and turned it into a fabulous little hand bag.

Jupiter's Sewing

In Year 6 Jupiter, for our make do and mend project we have been using sewing to turn one piece of 
clothing into another. Obviously you can't go mad and turn some socks into a hat, but within reason, you can do anything. Myself, I turned a T-Shirt into a vest, and then I sewed a red stripe across the new vest. I'm giving my hard worked gift to my generous dad. He did give the shirt to me in first place. 

We have been working on this project for nearly two half terms now and it has come along really well for everyone. The strangest I've seen is my friend Billy has turned a pair of shorts into a hat. He then sewed a black bit of felt across it to make it look different colours on each side. It looks great!

The other year six class, Saturn have also been doing the same project for the same amount of time and they have been doing just as well. Also there has been some pretty mad projects as well. 

Though the reason we have all done so well, is because we had such great teachers, and they are Miss Hemmings and Miss Smiles. Even though Miss Smiles admits that she cannot sew, she was still a great teacher. Also we have had a great helper that has been coming in every single week and helping us, and that person is my nan, Christine. 

By Conor

Mr Lynch's Trousers

During sewing we have been learning about 'Make do & Mend' in WW2. I turned my little brothers trouser's ( aged 2) into a dainty little pair of shorts. Using my expert sewing skills I have managed to cut neatly, hem and sew buttons to decorate his name on the back pocket. My teacher, Miss Smiles, was impressed with my work and knowledge, she proclaimed "Go to Mr Lynch's class and tell him you've made him a brand new pair of shorts!" . Listening  to my teacher, as I always do... Me and my friend set off to the devils lair ( cue spooky music.) 
By his facial expressions; he loves them! 

Maths Cake!

In maths we are learning to use conversion graphs. For our homework we had a recipe and we had to convert the grams to ounces. My friend Samantha and I went a step further and baked the cake! It was a fruit cake with almonds, Cherries, treacle, sugar, flour, cinnamon, mixed spice, marmalade and dried fruit. When we handed our homework in we gave the cake to our teachers, our teachers were pleased with us and they let us eat it during our lesson! I ate a piece of Samantha's and it was absolutely delicious! I wish all maths lessons were like this...*sigh

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Dig For Victory

As part of our WW2 project we are designing a poster for the Dig for Victory campaign to persuade young children to eat vegetables and fruit. We are using watercolours to give our posters an authentic washed-out effect.