Tuesday 28 January 2014

Mr Lynch's Trousers

During sewing we have been learning about 'Make do & Mend' in WW2. I turned my little brothers trouser's ( aged 2) into a dainty little pair of shorts. Using my expert sewing skills I have managed to cut neatly, hem and sew buttons to decorate his name on the back pocket. My teacher, Miss Smiles, was impressed with my work and knowledge, she proclaimed "Go to Mr Lynch's class and tell him you've made him a brand new pair of shorts!" . Listening  to my teacher, as I always do... Me and my friend set off to the devils lair ( cue spooky music.) 
By his facial expressions; he loves them! 


  1. This was a great read! You have a great sense of humour.

    1. you look excellent Mr Lynch

    2. you look excellent Mr Lynch
