Thursday 9 June 2016

As part of our Modern Greece topic, Jupiter class have been learning all about earthquakes and how they happen. As Greece is a country with fault lines beneath it, earthquakes frequently occur there.
We have learnt many facts about earthquakes, such as:
  •         How an earthquake occurs
  •          How much damage they can do
  •          How they are measured
  •         What causes them

 We used the internet to research a real earthquake that happened in Greece. Also, a wide range of useful internet services helped us to find out lots of important information, including google, Wikipedia, BBC and many other sites.  As well as this, we combined our research with our knowledge learnt in class to explain how the earthquake occurred.

After we did our research, we wrote news reports, including eyewitness accounts, about the breaking news of our chosen earthquake. The audience had to be carefully thought about plus the atmosphere, language and structure of our news report when we were creating them on the computer. Once we had been given some feedback from Miss Heath, the news report was then edited by us and improved before it could be ‘published’. We did our newspaper report on the Great Kelonian earthquake which happened in the Nidvi Ionian islands in 1953.

Here is our news report:

By James Dawes and Arun Brice

1 comment:

  1. Well you must of learned a lot about Modern Greece and had a lot of fun learning about Modern Greece.
